The Family That Volunteers Together Grows Together

Written by: MABG Editorial Team
Last Updated On: Dec 20, 2024

Family is important to all of us. The goal of most families is to grow stronger and closer together. Among each family members’ numerous activities, it can be challenging to get everyone together to engage in one activity. However, volunteering as a family is a great way for everyone to get involved in an activity or cause that they care about. Everyone, including the smaller family members, can discuss what they would like to do. This closes the gap between the ages and interests of family members. It also reinforces the responsibility of community involvement.

Having Fun While Doing Good

Volunteering - Community Landscaping
Make A Difference Day 2011, by Presidio of Monterey, licensed under CC0

Selecting a volunteer opportunity for the whole family means that you will have a dedicated amount of time together. Not only will you get to know one another better, but you are also instilling a spirit of community giving. This family group can be extended to include grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins to make the experience more memorable. While parents may be working long hours, carving out a few hours for a volunteer job gives everyone quality time together. Most children say that they want to spend more time with their families in hands-on activities, so it’s a win all around.

Learning About Empathy

Disaster Clean up Volunteering
Source, by Jim Henderson, licensed under CC0

Volunteerism as a family helps everyone learn about empathy for others in the community. It also creates the understanding that each person has a responsibility to give and care for those around them. Being involved in civic activities helps everyone understand people who are from different backgrounds and places in life. It gives children a broader view of the world. These are lessons that will last a lifetime.

Developing New Skills

Boy Scout Volunteering
This boyscout troop working on a bluebird box at Hungry Mother State Park“, by Albert Herring/Virginia State Parks, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Be they life skills or just how to accomplish a task, volunteer work, especially as a family, allows children to learn new things and develop self-confidence. They may learn how to better manage a series of tasks and to self-motivate themselves to work through a problem. When they see the outcomes of giving, it will help them understand the power of compassion and altruism. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, they will learn how to collaborate and communicate clearly with others who may not be from the same background they are.

Volunteering Creates Happiness

Volunteer Cleanup
ROMO Workday, by NPS Natural Resources, licensed under CC0

Yes, it’s true! Giving does make people happier and more self confident. The simple act of contributing toward the greater good is a good remedy for emotions such as stress, depression, and anxiety. Simply put, it causes the brain to release serotonin which causes feelings of happiness and satisfaction. Volunteering may even increase life expectancy.

Those are not the only benefits. It also helps with overall wellness. This may include a sense of purpose, improved relationships with family and friends, and physical health. At the end of a volunteer project, everyone will feel better about life, themselves simply by seeing the benefits of the time that they put in.

Families Learn More About Each Other

Food Donation Box
Photo Source, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, licensed under CC0

By doing a volunteer project together, family members will get to know each other better. The work can open up conversations about topics ranging from food sustainability to veterans’ affairs or animal rights. For instance, as environmentalism is prominent in the news, a volunteer opportunity in this area allows children and adults to learn more about the issue and become an active part of the solution.

Creating Lasting Memories

Volunteering with kids
Volunteering – Source, licensed under CC0, cropped from original image

Working together creates lasting memories with one another. If everyone enjoys volunteering together, your family may even consider taking a volunteer vacation where you help others in another country. An example maybe assisting with medical care in South America or helping to build wells for clean water in an African country. Every experience expands the world view of children regarding different people, different cultures and differing viewpoints. But you don’t have to go to far-flung places to have the same experiences. Start giving in your own community to see the results.

Volunteering as a family has many impacts both on the family unit and the community. Through giving your time and talents to help your neighbors and the community you will see your family also grow stronger and closer.

November 19, 2022, is Family Volunteer Day. Here’s the chance for the oldsters to get with the youngsters and maybe the in-betweens too, and make that Saturday a special family giving experience.