Seniors Sheltering In Place

Written by: MABG Editorial Team
Last Updated On: Dec 22, 2024

The world has gotten scarier in the last few weeks, and no one is feeling more anxious than the senior population. In addition to your normal aches and pains and health issues, the pandemic known as COVID-19 is universal in our communities and causing our efforts of social distancing and staying at home.

While staying essentially quarantined at home looks different depending on your age, family status, and profession, many seniors are particularly feeling the stress caused by sheltering in place. How can older adults shelter in place and still remain in good health and spirits? Here are the top four tips to help you get through this trying time.

Even if seniors cannot see their friends and family in person, now is the time to use all the technology available to us. FaceTime, Zoom, Google Duo, Skype, and other video-calling apps are essential to download and use currently. You can still see and socialize with your loved ones this way, even if you can’t give them a physical hug at the moment. Setting up a regular time for an online face-to-face chat (daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.) can also give you something to look forward to as we all stay home and stay healthy.

Technology is a win again if you have access to voice-assistant technology such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Google Home, or Microsoft’s Cortana. These programs are useful in many ways, especially for someone living alone during the pandemic. They can provide a friendly voice that is both useful and entertaining, plus they can be set up to make phone calls, remind you to take your medication, or even call 911 in case of an emergency. Entertainment is built into these devices, so go ahead and ask Alexa to tell you a joke or play your favorite big band music. At times like these, electronic companionship can help reduce isolation and keep us all company as we weather the current storm.

Utilize any and all home delivery options right now. Services such as Uber Eats, Door Dash, Instacart, and even medication-delivery services are invaluable to seniors right now. They allow you to get food delivered, groceries brought to your door, and even prescriptions and medications in the mail, so you don’t have to worry about encountering anyone who is sick. There may be a greater waiting time for these services at the moment, but they are definitely worth waiting for right now.

Most importantly, continue to practice healthy habits while sheltering in place. It is tempting to eat too much junk food and lounge in front of Netflix all day during a stressful time at home but try to avoid this as much as possible. Continue to make healthy eating choices, and exercise, practice gratitude for what you do have, partake in spiritual or mental health activities online if you need to, and keep to your basic routine. Don’t despair and don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and family if you are feeling low – sometimes texting with a grandchild or a making a phone call to a close friend can help you feel better.

In the end, what matters right now for older adults is to stay healthy and out of harm’s way. Sheltering in place can be both an inconvenient and anxious time but it is only temporary. This pandemic will pass and life will get back to normal someday, so use these tips to stay in good health until it is safe to get back out into the world again.