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Maintaining Good Health and Fitness
Just because we get older does not mean that we can’t move and stay healthy! Taking care of yourself inside and out is good for your body and your mind, plus it could make your retirement years a lot more active. How do you maintain good health and fitness when you are over 55? Read on for some great tips and tricks.
First, before you embark on any weight management or exercise program, please consult your personal physician and make sure you are cleared to do so. The doctor can also help you decide on what is the best – and safest – form of exercise for your age and health status. Don’t start running on day one unless your doctor thinks it’s a good idea. If you need some gentler forms of exercise there are several that you can try such as swimming, tai chi, yoga, dancing, or even an aerobics or spin class geared for seniors. These exercises are gentle on your joints, don’t require much in the way of equipment, and are fun and enjoyable. You can even do some light weightlifting if you have access to free weights at your gym or home. Just remember that the goal is not to become a muscle-bound Mr. or Ms. Universe – you are just trying to stay active and stretch those muscles so they don’t atrophy.

If you prefer to be outdoors, there are also plenty of other options to consider: walking, biking, jogging, cycling, or organized activities such as golf, tennis or basketball. Remember that you are trying to stay healthy as you age so choose an activity that you enjoy doing, whether it’s inside or outdoors, alone or with other people. The Department of Health and Human Services makes several recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, and encourages older adults to shoot for roughly 2.5 hours a week of moderately intense exercise. And don’t forget how important balance exercises will be as you get older as well – they are vital for anyone who has had issues with falling or getting dizzy on a frequent basis (yoga and tai chi are both good ways to work on your balance as you work out your body).
On the flip side, make sure that what you are putting into your body is as important as what you are doing on the outside. Often seniors lose their appetite or start eating less as they age. Make sure that your caloric intake matches up with what the recommended daily allowances are for your age and activity level. Most important is that you are eating a protein-rich, low-calorie diet as you get older – this is the best way to help your muscle mass and bone density stay strong as you age. What does a diet rich in protein look like? It will include lean meats such as chicken and turkey, seafood, soy products, eggs or egg substitutes, beans and peas, low-fat dairy, and low-fat nuts and seeds. Eating a healthy diet not only helps you manage your weight, it can also help control any chronic conditions that become troublesome as we age such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, or high blood pressure. can help you figure out what vitamins and minerals your body needs most during your particular time of life.
Something else you may not have considered is whether you want to do a group activity or class such as water aerobics or do you prefer to exercise alone? If you prefer to get in your workout at home or by yourself, always remember: SAFETY FIRST. What does this mean? It means that if you are home alone and watching an exercise class on YouTube video or DVD, be sure that you make provisions in case you fall or pass out from overexertion. A medical alert system may be something worth investing in if you live alone or are left alone frequently. No one wants to be injured and unable to contact help! These alert systems are usually wearable. which makes it easy to contact help when necessary. Be sure to read our reviews of the best medical alert systems to find the one that is right for you.
The best advice about maintaining good health and fitness as an older adult comes from regarding exercise: “In all cases, older adults should try to move more and sit less each day.” This one simple phrase encapsulates everything you need to know and do as you age to maintain your good health and fitness. Just make an honest effort to move more and sit less every day!