How to Choose the Best Medical Alert System

Written by: Winny Lee
Medically Reviewed By: Sarah Falcone, BSN, RN
Last Updated On: Feb 12, 2025

About 99% of our readers are first-time visitors to this website. This is important because it’s likely that you’re:

  1. Trying to figure out which brand to try, and
  2. Thinking about which type of product/service to go with.

This process might seem a bit daunting. Let’s face it, the last thing you wanted to do today was spend time reading up on medical alert systems. Don’t worry, we’ll make this guide as painless as possible. Note that this post won’t go over pricing. For more information on costs and plans by provider, please visit our Best Medical Alert Systems for 2025 buyers guide.

The Bottom Line

Our overarching goal is to get you or your loved ones 24/7 rapid response in case of an emergency. Many of our readers have been through unfortunate events and want to make sure they have safeguards in place in case something happens again.

What Type of System Should I Get?

Medical alert systems can be divided into two categories: those that are primarily used INSIDE the home and those that are designed to be used OUTSIDE the home.

The type of system YOU should get is dependent on your situation. Unfortunately, medical alert systems aren’t “one size fits all”.

Instead of explaining the devices here, we’ve decided to provide some real-life examples of common situations.

Living Alone at Home

This is by far the most common occurrence among medical alert shoppers. Perhaps an elderly person’s spouse passed away or moved to a nursing home, and their family isn’t able to provide 24/7 care. Still, you or your loved one is determined to live out your golden years in the home that you built.

If this situation is similar to yours, the recommended option would be to go with an In-Home medical alert system. In-Home units are the most commonly chosen. They’re affordable, easy to use, simple to setup, and super reliable. Generally, users will wear a lightweight, waterproof button around the neck or wrist. When help is needed, the user pushes the button to start two-way communication with the 24/7 monitoring station.

Active and Frequently Out & About

Here is another common situation among shoppers. Let’s say that your elderly parents are healthy and enjoy an active lifestyle. It’s important to keep this independence! Studies show that adults who keep up their hobbies live longer, healthier lives. When at home, they have each other to look after one another but they enjoy separate activities. Dad enjoys hitting the links and Mom loves meeting friends at the local clubhouse for an afternoon of bridge.

In this case, a mobile device with GPS tracking would be a great fit. These compact, portable devices typically offer a long battery life and most importantly, are very easy to operate. Should mom slip on her way to the car, she can quickly push a button and get 24/7 help from an operator. If dad were on his way to the golf course but ended up in a fender bender, the device would let operators know where he was and send needed help to his location.

Discharged from Hospital. Need Additional Safeguards

Oftentimes, medical alert shoppers reach out to us after an accident has occurred. If you or your loved one has already fallen, you know that getting help quickly the next time around is extremely important. In a review of 33 studies on personal alert systems, falling was the #1 reason for emergency calls, and many users had fallen more than once.

If this scenario sounds familiar, we recommend an In-Home medical alert with Automatic Fall Detection. Unfortunately, a previous fall increases your chances of falling again. If you do fall again, this system provides a way to get help even if you’re not able to physically push a button.

Additionally, we’d recommend adding Wall Buttons around high-risk areas of the home such as bathrooms, kitchens, and stairwells. In the event that you forgot to wear a button, you can rest assured that there are additional ways to get help around the house.


These are just a few examples of the most common types of medical alert shoppers and devices to fit their needs. A next step is to select a provider and chat with a sales consultant. Visit our Best Medical Alert Systems for 2024 buyers guide for a complete breakdown of costs and features for the most popular products.